Hebron Project Marks One Year of Production with Day of Giving

Today the Hebron project marks one year since safely achieving first oil. To recognize the anniversary, Hebron made donations to 10 local charities. On hand at the event were representatives from Hebron operator ExxonMobil Canada, co-venturers (Chevron Canada, Suncor, Equinor Canada and Nalcor Energy), the Hebron Project Employers Association and 10 local charities.

Hebron Project Employer's Association (HPEA) provides total of $420,000 to 10 Newfoundland and Labrador charities

Organizations gather on one-year anniversary of Hebron first oil

St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador - To mark one year since safely achieving first oil, the Hebron Project Employer's Association today announced contributions totaling $420,000 to ten charities in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Hebron platform was towed to the Grand Banks in June 2017 and achieved first oil on November 27 of that year. In its first year of operations Hebron has drilled seven wells and produced 20 million barrels of oil. The Hebron co-venturers are ExxonMobil Canada Properties (operator), Chevron Canada Limited, Suncor Energy Inc., Equinor Canada Ltd. and Nalcor Energy-Oil and Gas Inc. The contributions come from the Hebron Project Employers' Association (HPEA).

"We are so proud of what we have accomplished with Hebron, it is a world-class facility and a significant asset for the province. On the anniversary of first oil, Hebron is pleased to show appreciation for the incredible support we have received from the community by supporting these local organizations," said Carman Mullins, President of ExxonMobil Canada Ltd.

"The Hebron employers at Bull Arm played a huge role in the successful construction of the platform. With our work completed, the HPEA is pleased to donate funds to these charities that carry out such important work for the residents of Newfoundland and Labrador," said Steve Graves, Executive Director, HPEA.

The following organizations received contributions:

Janeway Foundation $80,000

Young Adults Cancer $80,000

NL Hard of Hearing Association $60,000

Ronald McDonald House $60,000

Daffodil Place $40,000

Discovery Health Care Foundation $20,000

Juvenile Diabetes $20,000

Mazol Shriners $20,000

MS Newfoundland & Labrador $20,000

Women in Resource Development $20,000

ExxonMobil Canada Properties (35.5 percent) is the operator of the Hebron project. Its co-venturers are Chevron Canada Limited (29.6 percent), Suncor Energy Inc. (21 percent), Equinor Canada Ltd. (9 percent) and Nalcor Energy-Oil and Gas Inc. (4.9 percent). For more information about the Hebron project visit www.hebronproject.com.

The Hebron Project Employers’ Association (HPEA) was a not for profit corporation formed as the unifying voice of the employers working at the Bull Arm work site during construction of the Hebron Project. It assisted with the administration of the collective agreement and managing labour relations. With the construction phase of the project completed, the HPEA has concluded its affairs and dissolved the entity.

Lynn Evans, ExxonMobil Canada Ltd. lynn.evans@exxonmobil.com 709-723