
The Augusta Department of Public Safety (ADPS) Records Division is comprised of a clerk/typist and hosts the agencies records clerk. The records clerk acts as a typist for dictated reports and fields requests for copies of reports and documentation.

Hours of Operation

7:00 AM to 3:30 PM

You can request a report by e-mail, mail, phone, fax, or by bringing in an Open Records Request to:

tel: (316) 775-4500 ext. 107
Fax #: (316)775-4565, attention Records Clerk

The Augusta Department of Public Safety
Attn: Records Clerk
2100 N. Ohio Street
Augusta, KS 67010

Take a look at our ADPS Request for Open Records form in
our documents center to see what information we will need
to process your request.


If you are needing a copy of your motor vehicle accident police report, you can visit

You will need the report number, last name of the involved party, and the date of the accident. Please be aware, these reports will not be available until 7-10 days after the accident.

If you are needing court records, please click here.


A charge for accessing public records is authorized by state law.

Doc app

Report Copies: $7.50 first 20 pages
$0.25 for each additional page
$20.00 for accident reports
$.025 for each additional page after 20 pages
CD/DVD/Audio: $25.00 per item
Research: $12.50 per half hour
Postage & Handling: to be determined upon case request size

Document Center

The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.

Categories always sorted by seq (sub-categories sorted within each category)
Documents sorted by SEQ in Ascending Order within category RESET