Assessment & Evaluation

Although assessment and evaluation have distinct meanings, both offer a means by which we can receive feedback on our work. What follows are resources and programs to support the provision of feedback for both students and faculty.

Assessing Student Learning

Assessing Prior Knowledge

Discover your students’ prior knowledge to better design and target your instruction.

Asking Good Test Questions

Develop effective test questions that align with the learning outcomes for your course.

Peer Assessment

Help students develop skills to assess and provide constructive peer assessment feedback to others.


Guide students on how to use self-assessment to critique and improve their work.

Using Rubrics

Use rubrics to design scoring guides and expectations for student assignments and assessments. Create faster and more consistent grading systems for you and your teaching assistants or teaching team.

Measuring Student Learning

Measure student learning to determine whether students have indeed learned what you intended.

Learning Outcome Types and Recommended Assessment Methods

Determine the appropriate assessment method for an assignment based on the thinking skills you'd like to measure, as determined by your learning outcomes.

Promoting Academic Integrity in Your Course

Help promote academic integrity in your course by using some of these strategies in your assessments and in communications with students.

Assessing Your Instructional Practice

Classroom Observation Program

Arrange for a class observation to receive confidential, non-evaluative feedback from a Center teaching support specialist.

Mid-Semester Feedback Program

This confidential program assists faculty members in obtaining student feedback about the course at a point in the semester where there is still time to adapt and improve.

Documenting Teaching with a Teaching Portfolio

Use a teaching portfolio to collect information about your continuing development as a teacher for self-reflection and improvement, as well as to document your commitment to teaching for application or promotion files.