Use an artwork release form to protect your work

Has a business expressed interest in using your artwork in their product? Find out how an artwork release form will help protect your rights in your original works.

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Belle Wong, J.D.

by Belle Wong, J.D.

Belle Wong, is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She .


Updated on: November 24, 2023 · 3 min read

Working artists today have access to additional means of income from their artwork that go beyond the traditional practice of selling their art to individual buyers. If you've been approached by a business for permission to use your artwork in their products, whether that product is a film, an event, or a physical good, it's a good idea to protect yourself with an artwork release form.

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Situations where an artwork rights release form is important

These days, there are countless situations where an artist may encounter the need to either draft an artwork release form or review some type of copyright release form for artwork.

If you're in the business of distributing and selling your artwork, you may have encountered any number of the following situations:

These are just some examples of occasions in which artists will find the need for an artwork release form in order to protect their rights to their artistic creations. Whether it's a release to sell artwork to a film company or an artist release form for an art exhibit, what all standard artist release forms have in common is their focus on protecting your rights to your original artwork.

Using an artwork release form

Whether the company wishing to use your art is asking you to sign their standard release, or you're drafting your own artwork release form, there are a number of terms and conditions that you should consider before you sign.

The following are some of the sections or clauses that should be included in any artwork release form you sign:

If you're reviewing an artist release form that's been drafted by the company that wishes to use your artwork, their form also may include other terms, such as your warranty that you are the creator of the artwork in question, or that you hold the copyright to the work and are entitled to grant the rights set out in the form. If you're uncertain about any terms in the form, you may want to obtain the advice of a professional experienced in copyright issues.

Permitting others to use your artwork can be a good source of income for today's working artist. If you find yourself fielding such requests for your art, having a properly drafted artist release form on hand for such opportunities can go a long way to protecting your rights over your artwork.

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This article is for informational purposes. This content is not legal advice, it is the expression of the author and has not been evaluated by LegalZoom for accuracy or changes in the law.

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