ASSQ (Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire)

The ASSQ (Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire) is a screening questionnaire for autism.


These screening questionnaires are protected by copyright, owned by Christopher Gillberg. They are currently unavailable and will return shortly. The continued use of these questionnaires is prohibited and unauthorised.

If you currently possess a copy of any of the questionnaires, please cease publication and/or distribution of them immediately. If you wish to continue with publication and/or distribution, please contact to discuss a financial agreement to do so.

To notify us of a suspected Copyright infringement please contact: Anna Spyrou, Communications Manager

You are reminded that previous access and use was authorised on the condition that you registered with the GNC and therefore, historic unregistered users are also required to cease using the questionnaires and encouraged to register when they become available in the near future.

About the ASSQ

The ASSQ is a screening questionnaire for autism designed by Ehlers and Gillberg and further developed in collaboration with Lorna Wing in order to study prevalence of Asperger’s syndrome. It has since then become one of the most widely used autism screening tools in the world.

Contact us

For questions regarding the ASSQ questionnaire please contact

Anna Spyrou