2023-2024 Undergraduate Student Handbook

As Florida Polytechnic University begins our tenth academic year, I am pleased to welcome all new and returning students.

This Undergraduate Academic Catalog and Student Handbook includes information regarding degrees and degree requirements, academic information and policies, student services and responsibilities. The Catalog is not exhaustive, but it serves as a starting point for finding the information that you need. Other important sources of information include the University website, University Policies, Regulations, and Rules, and PhoenixLink for information on student clubs and organizations. If you need help or have a question that is not answered in this handbook, please reach out to your academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office. Faculty mentors are also great information resources. All faculty post their office hours on their office door and on their Canvas course sites.

Florida Poly’s degree programs are challenging, and it is important for you to find connections at the university that help you. Connections include your peers, faculty, and staff who are all resources who can help find solutions or address any difficulties you may face. These connections will help you grow as a student, a leader, and, as we like to say at Florida Poly - the next solution innovator.

Student programming and campus activities focus on four primary values that, together, comprise the values of the Florida Poly graduate:

Students develop these values in the various curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular opportunities on campus. Join a Registered Student Organization (club), participate in intramurals at the Student Development Center, form a study group in your residence hall, apply for a student worker position. Get involved! Our campus community is strongest when students are engaged and contribute to the Florida Poly experience.

I encourage you to embrace the Florida Poly experience. Study hard, challenge yourself and become a part of Florida Poly.

Good luck with this year, and I look forward to seeing you on campus.

Dr. Terry Parker

University Contact Information

Florida Polytechnic University

Florida Poly ID Cards

Health and Wellness Services

Parking and Transportation

Student Business Services

Title IX Coordinator

University Police Department


CALL 911

Academic Calendar and University Holidays

Academic Calendar

The Registrar’s Office manages Florida Poly’s official Academic Calendar, which contains the dates and times for all registration periods, application deadlines, holidays, special events, and more. The final exam schedule can also be found here. Please visit the Florida Poly website for the most up-to-date The Registrar’s Office manages Florida Poly’s official Academic Calendar, which contains the dates and times for all registration periods, application deadlines, holidays, special events, and more. The final exam schedule can also be found here. Please visit the Florida Poly website for the most up-to-date academic calendar.

Religious Holidays

Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Observances, Practices, and Beliefs:

The University will reasonably accommodate the religious observances, practices and beliefs of individuals in regard to admissions, class attendance and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments.

When feasible, the University and faculty will seek to avoid scheduling major examinations, major assignments and University ceremonies on major religious holy days. For the purposes of this regulation, a recognized religious holy day is a significant day of religious observance as recognized by the highest governing body of that particular faith.

Students should review course requirements and meeting days and times before a semester begins to avoid foreseeable conflicts with religious observances, as excessive absences in a given term may make it difficult for a student to successfully complete the academic requirements of a course.

A student who wishes to observe a religious holy day of their religious faith shall notify all of their instructors in advance and shall be excused from classes or other academic or educational activity for the purpose of observing the religious holy day.

University Holidays

The University observes the following holidays:

If any holiday listed above falls on a Saturday, the Friday preceding that holiday shall be observed as a holiday. If any holiday listed above falls on a Sunday, the following Monday after the holiday shall be observed as a holiday.

University Policies and Regulations

Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct is designed to promote responsible behavior by all students consistent with the values and welfare of the Florida Polytechnic University community. It exists to define the behavioral rights and responsibilities of university students and student organizations. The Code of Conduct fosters and enhances the academic mission of the University, as well as protects the rights of all University students, faculty and staff. Sanctions for misconduct and the appeal processes are defined in the full policy.

Further explanation can be found in the Academic Catalog, Student Rights and Responsibilities . Please see FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct in the University Policies and Regulations to read in its entirety.

Academic Integrity

The University is an academic community. Its fundamental purpose is the pursuit of knowledge. Essential to the fundamental purpose of the University is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty. Accordingly, the Academic Integrity regulation is designed to ensure that the principle of academic honesty is upheld. This regulation provides the processes to be followed when a student is alleged to have violated the Academic Integrity regulation and indicates the potential consequences and sanctions when a student is found responsible for such violation.

Further explanation can be found in the Academic Catalog, Student Rights and Responsibilities . Please see FPU-5.005 Academic Integrity in the University Policies and Regulations to read in its entirety.

Academic Freedom and Responsibility

The University administration and faculty shall fully maintain, encourage and protect academic freedom.

Academic freedom is essential to the University. It includes both freedom of thought and expression, and it applies to teaching, research/creative activities, and professional, public and University service.

Students also play an important role in academic freedom. Students have the right and are encouraged to engage in inquiry and discussion; to exchange thought and opinion; and to speak, write, and print freely on any subject.

All members of the University community have the responsibility to respect the academic freedom of others. Please see FPU-5.001 Academic Freedom and Responsibility policy to read in its entirety.

FERPA and Student Educational Records

The University maintains student educational records in a confidential and secure manner in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, (“FERPA”), also known as the Buckley Amendment (20 U.S.C. 1232g). Section 1002.225, Florida Statutes, provides certain rights to students concerning their student records. Florida Statutes Section 1006.52 makes both student records and applicant records confidential and exempt from disclosure under the State’s Public Records Law.

Students may submit or revoke an Authorization to Release Information to provide or remove a designee access to their educational records.

Further explanation of a student’s rights under FERPA can be found in the Academic Catalog, Admission Information . Please see FPU-3.001 Confidentiality of Student Records and Applicant Records policy to read in its entirety.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property includes inventions, industrial designs, trade secrets, mask works, tangible research material, copyrightable works and related trademarks.

Please see FPU-1.0061P Intellectual Property policy to read in its entirety.

Alcohol Policy

Florida Polytechnic University does not prohibit the legal consumption of alcohol on its campus or properties under its control. The intent of the alcohol policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the legal and responsible use of alcohol on University property. The use of alcohol by members of the University community is subject to the applicable alcoholic beverages’ laws and ordinances of the State of Florida, the City of Lakeland and Polk County at all times. No person may sell, furnish or give alcohol to any person under the age of 21.

Please see the FPU-1.0003P Alcohol Policy to read in its entirety.

Title IX and Sexual Misconduct

Maintaining a campus free from sexual misconduct is important to the Florida Poly Community. The University is committed to fostering an environment that promotes prompt reporting of all types of sexual misconduct, prohibits retaliation, provides options for resolution that is timely and fair for all complaints.

Florida Polytechnic University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities. Title IX of the Higher Educations Amendments of 1972, 20 USC 1681 et seq., a Federal civil rights law, prohibits such discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

To be considered under the jurisdiction of Title IX, the alleged Sexual Harassment must have occurred to the person participating or attempting to participate in the University’s education program or activity within the United States.

Even if an allegation falls outside of the Title IX jurisdiction, the University may move forward following the process outlined in University policy:

Any member of the University community may submit a report or by disclosing to a University employee (Faculty, Staff, Resident Assistants, and University Police). Any member of the University community may seek guidance, resources, or file a complaint, in accordance with this policy, by contacting:

Title IX Coordinator

4700 Research Way

Lakeland, FL 33805

Employees, vendors, and contractors working in Counseling Services, medical services, and the University Ombudsperson. These resources do not have to report any disclosure of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.

For more information visit the University Title IX webpage and related University Policies.


The University prohibits all forms of hazing as defined by the Student Code of Conduct, regardless of where or when the hazing occurs. In addition to facing disciplinary actions by the University, students engaging in hazing may face criminal charges under Section 1006.63, Florida Statutes.

Please see FPU-30062P Anti Hazing policy to read the policy in its entirety.

Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity Policy

The University is committed to providing and maintaining a dignified environment in which all members of the University community appreciate and respect one another by collectively sustaining a welcoming environment to work, study and interact with one another free from any form of unlawful discrimination.

The University shall not unlawfully discriminate in offering access to any educational programs or activities or in conducting its employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, marital status, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or veteran status (each hereinafter referred to as a “protected class”) or any other legally protected class or basis under applicable federal and/or state laws. The purpose of this regulation is to provide the University’s expectations to maintain and foster an inclusive and welcoming environment in which diversity is valued and opportunity is equalized. This regulation provides guidelines and information regarding conduct that constitutes unlawful discrimination or harassment; reporting responsibilities; and requirements for filing a complaint of discrimination or harassment with the University. All complaints of discrimination or harassment filed with the University will be handled in accordance with applicable University grievance and disciplinary procedures.

Discrimination and Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedures

The purpose of this regulation is to allow the University to maintain its commitment to provide an environment free from any form of unlawful discrimination and to ensure compliance with the various applicable federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination. This regulation provides the procedures and related guidelines for handling and investigating complaints filed with the University that allege discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of the University’s Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity Regulation.

Office of Student Ombuds Services

The Office of the Ombud exists to serve all students of the University. Reporting directly to the President, the Ombuds operates in an impartial, informal and non-adversarial manner pursuant to Florida Statues sections: 1002.21; 1006.51 & Board of Governors Regulation 6.011.

The purpose of the Office of the Ombuds is to assist students in resolving problems and conflicts that arise in the course of interacting with Florida Polytechnic University. By considering problems in an unbiased way, the Ombuds seeks to achieve a fair resolution and protect the rights of all parties involved. The Ombuds works with students to interpret University policy, identify options and strategies for resolving issues and serve as a mediator when appropriate. As an example, the Ombuds may not initiate a grade change or academic adjustment; however, the Ombuds may refer the student to the appropriate academic officer.

In service to students, the Office of the Ombuds will:

For more information or services, please contact the Office of the Ombuds at 863-874-8544, on WhatsApp at 337-263-6118, or email ombuds@floridapoly.edu. The office is located in the Provost’s Suite in the IST.

Note: if you are concerned about confidentiality, call and make your appointment. Email may be subject to Florida Public Records Laws.

Filing a Complaint

Below is contact information for filing a complaint about the institution with the Florida Board of Governors.

Florida Board of Governors State University System
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1614
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Phone: 850-245-0466
Fax: 850-245-9685

To request that a complaint be addressed, please read the instructions and fill out the Student Complaint Form.

Below is contact information for filing a complaint about the institution with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, GA 30033
Phone: 404-679-4500
Fax: 404-679-4558

To request that a complaint be addressed, please read the following instructions and fill out the complaint form: https://sacscoc.org/documents/.


For details regarding University admissions, visit the admissions webpage or the Academic Catalog, Admission Information .

Admission of AA Graduates from Florida Institutions

Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.004 requires that an AA graduate from a Florida public post-secondary institution receive priority for admission to a state university over out-of-state transfer students. Recruitment materials, catalogs, orientation programs and student handbooks provided to freshman enrollees and transfer students at state universities shall include an explanation of this provision. To read this regulation in its entirety, please click on the following link:

Minimum Eligibility Requirements: The minimum eligibility requirements for transfer students seeking admission to undergraduate degree programs at Florida Polytechnic University are as provided in the Florida Board of Governors regulation 6.004 Admission of Undergraduate, Degree-Seeking Transfer Students. However, applicants who satisfy the Board of Governors’ minimum requirements are not automatically guaranteed admission to the University, as the University reserves the right to require more stringent admissions requirements.

HIV/AIDS Information

Students and employees of Florida Polytechnic University who may become infected with the HIV virus will not be excluded from enrollment or employment, or restricted in their access to University services or facilities, unless individual medical evaluation establishes that such exclusion or restrictions are necessary for the welfare of the individual and/or other members of the University community. Florida Polytechnic University has established an HIV/AIDS Committee with membership, including Florida Polytechnic University students, faculty, administrators and staff, as well as representatives from several community organizations committed to HIV/ AIDS education and treatment. The committee meets as needed and is responsible for monitoring the medical, psychosocial and administrative developments regarding HIV/AIDS for the Florida Polytechnic University community. Additional responsibilities include administration and implementation of the Florida Polytechnic University policy in specific cases and coordination of all University educational activities emphasizing proactive prevention. In addition, the Committee will meet as needed to consider individual cases that may require University action.

For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions shall apply:

An individual infected with HIV is one who:

Is shown by appropriate testing to have antibodies to HIV or its antigens in blood fluids or tissues AND has either of the following:

A) An identified opportunistic infection [OR]

B) A T4 lymphocyte (a type of blood cell) count of less than 200 per micro liter of blood.

For more information visit aids.gov.

Health Service Contact(s):

Health Services
Florida Polytechnic University 4700 Research Way
Lakeland, FL 33805-8531

Lakeland area resources for people with HIV/AIDS:

Florida Department of Health Polk County Health Clinic
3241 Lakeland Hills Boulevard
Lakeland, FL

Talbot House Ministries
Good Samaritan Free Clinic
814 N Kentucky Ave
Lakeland, FL 33801

Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida
2250 E Edgewood Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33803

Statewide Articulation & Other Articulation Agreements

Florida Polytechnic University works with State and Community Colleges to develop special agreements for students from those institutions for some or all of our programs. Presently, the University has an agreement with Polk State College for all of Florida Poly’s programs, and an agreement with South Florida State College for Electrical Engineering. Students at these institutions must work with their college advisors to learn more about these opportunities and ensure they are on the right path to maximize their transfer experience.

Florida Polytechnic University and Florida Southern College have come together to provide students a smooth pathway to an MBA. This program provides all undergraduate students the opportunity to complete the Florida Southern College MBA program in one academic year, after receiving their bachelor’s degree from Florida Poly.

More details on these agreements can be found in the Academic Catalog, Academic Partnerships & Transfer Articulation Agreements .