AI Instructor's Resource Page

Instructors of AI courses may get some benefit from this page. Some of it is designed specifically for the book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach and some of it does not depend on the choice of textbook. Our aim is to provide resources for every step of designing and running an AI course.
Getting the Book
AIMA 4e at Amazon
AIMA at Libraries worldwide
Pearson's resource page for AIMA 4e allows you to request an evaluation copy of the book.
Talk with Other Instructors
- aima-instructors discussion group for instructors (and TAs) only. Click the link to apply for membership. Please use your University email address, and in the "additional information" box give proof (such as a University web page) that you are an instructor or TA.
Design a Syllabus and Develop Lectures
- Adoptions list of over 1500 schools that are using AIMA , many with syllabi.
- Figures and pseudocode algorithms from the text; you can incorporate these into Powerpoint or other presentations of your own.
- AI Topics from AAAI for current events and background information on AI.
- Computing Reviews topic list covered by the book.
- Intro AI at UC Berkeley. These contain handouts, slides, problems, solutions, and videos:
- Summer 2020: Nikita Kitaev
- Spring 2020: Nathan Lambert and Satish Rao
- Fall 2019: Anca Dragan
- Spring 2019: Sergey Levine and Stuart Russell
- 2012-2014: Dan Klein and Pieter Abbeel
- Udacity School of AI including Thrun and Norvig MOOC.
- Coursera AI courses including Ng MOOC and Koller on Graphical Models.
- edX AI courses, including over 50 offerings.
Give Homework and Programming Assignments
- Coding Problems are on
- Exercises are at a separate website.
- Other example exercises are at the UC Berkeley AI site.
- A Solution Manual for all exercises is available; request it in an email to JP (, including proof that you are an instructor (web site; University email address).
Give Exams
- UC Berkeley (various): 15 years of practice midterm and final exams.
- UC Berkeley (Russell): 10 years of midterm and final exams, some from before the UC Berkeley archive.
- U Wisconsin (Shavlik): 9 years of midterm and final exams.
- Stanford (Finn and Anari): 3 years of exams.